Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pictures of Myself~

Blue Chess Dress and a crown~ With a blue wand. I like how it brings out my eyes. And it's the signature color for the Bubble Bouncers.

Prom Outfit with flowers~

Spade King Outfit and First challenge I ever finished.

Pink Chess Dress. Substitute for Pink Cinderella challenge I never finished?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Entry 10

I'm back from Six Flags~ And I had a pretty good time there. The water park was fun and all, but this is the highlight of the day. Which is sad at first.
There was a scary roller coaster (to me) called the Bizarro.. however you spell that. Right when I mustered up the courage to ride on it, I got thirsty. So I went to get some soda. While I was getting soda... everyone else was gone. I got stuck with... 4 grown-ups... went to some magic show. It was cool but when it was over, I was filled with regret and sorrow. I felt abandoned. When everyone else gathered up, I complained to my sister Lillie that I was getting soda and that you guys left me. She's like "Next year...? Gail (cousin's mom) went home already... so we have no more flash passes"
Note to all you stalkers who haven't gone to Six Flags- Flash Passes let you ride on stuff without you having to wait in line. I think it costs money, I'm not sure.
Anyways, I went like "Okay" 
I wanted to cry. After years I finally got the courage to ride some roller coaster... and I never rode it yet. I tried not to show that I was angry...
Lillie bought pink bunny ears for $5. I wanted something from the same place, so dad gave me $20 (More than I needed) so I could buy the same bunny ears.. but they were black.
Then Lillie asked "Are you happy now?" With a smile. She actually saw through my face (Or I failed at hiding it.)
Then big cousin Kenny showed us something where you have to hit something as hard as you can, and if you hit it hard enough you win a super hero cape that you can choose. Me, being a puny girl, spent 5 more dollars to try anyways. I was surprised that I actually won. So I chose the Green Lantern cape (because it's green and it's my favorite color. Problem? Princess Emmi doesn't have to get a pink Batman cape ._.)
Anyways, I won the cape. I officially became Green Lantern bunny. Then the guy who was watching the hitting thing (whatever it was called) was like "Stop breaking my toy D<"
Me, being in a better mood said:
"No ^_^"
Then he said, "You're not getting a cape anymore"
Don't worry, I got the cape. He was only kidding >_>
I'm saving the stuff for Halloween. Muahahaha~
Thank you Lillie, Kenny, and the random guy. Maybe it was better if I didn't ride the Bizarro. After all, I'm scared of heights.

♡Princess Emmi Hikara♡/MidoriMiki/☆Green Lantern Bunny

Entry 9 was a fail. I forgot the cousins lived in Tennessee... which is in America...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Entry 9- EW! OH MY GOD! WHY!!!!

This is absolutely disgraceful... my cousins from Vietnam came over just now. Cousins Lillie and I hated. I don't know if they're here to live in America or not but WHY!!!! But the Tim that was put in my chronicles was here. I feel a bit bad for Tim because in the past I punched him in the stomach or something and I don't even remember. Oh well. There's no proof I did (unless some idiot took a picture) so I shouldn't have to apologize... should I?

Anyways the reunion was horrible. Tim, his big bro, Lillie, and I stayed away from each other at all costs. Except I was watching Lillie draw because my seat for my laptop was taken by the extra grownups without a couch seat. Tim's parents were trying to force him to say hi to me and Lillie but he wouldn't do it (Which I'm grateful for, thanks little cousin. I guess.) because he was scared of me (troll face)
Well, that's all for now. I never write in this, I only do it if I want to put some stuff down.

(Woo! New signature. Thank you Hikaras for letting me join you guys!)

~♡Princess Emmi Hikara

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Entry 8

I haven't been writing a lot lately. Well, it doesn't really matter. People won't read it. Or will they?
A while ago I got back from Cape Cod. Now I miss the place. I'm bored.
Pico's been changing too many things. Now everything's expensive. I've gotten used to the new profiles. After Lillie's done with her manga strip, I might ask her to draw the ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Characters. It'd be nice if people knew what the fake characters looked like.
It's summer vacation and there's not much to do... I want to go back to school. I have a friend there who I'll probably never see again, and then there's my other friend. 
I was planning to write a lot more in here... but I guess not. I'll be off now.

~Princess Emmi

Lillie agreed to draw the characters~ Good. Now Ruby can see what they look like.
Sadly no one buddy requested me saying Ooku Pride yet.. Oh well.