Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Entry 7- A Touch of (Asian) Reality...

So this is what happened after my little cousins came over. Yeah... Lillie doesn't do much in here. She's just on pico and listening to Kpop music and says about 1 thing.
The younger cousin came first. We were playing Super Smash Bros Brawl on the Wii. Then the older one, who is the younger one's big brother, TheRyanOfDoom, you stalkers may have seen him in pico before, and in the Princess Ryan episodes (LOL) comes. Good times...
I had my glasses on xD
So I'll start.
At one point I can't understand him.
Nathan (the younger cousin): Come on dummy!
Me: (ugh. Why can't I just have a free life? D:

Later on that day...
Dad comes home.
Ryan comes too.
Dad: Who you??
Nathan: I Nathan.

Me: That's obviously Nathan -.-
Dad: No! You Ryan!
Nathan: No!
Dad: Okay who this? -goes on facebook and show's my aunt's profile, which shows a picture of Nathan's little brother-

Nathan: That's my baby Aiden!
...they often say it's their baby. Note to self: Nathan didn't make someone preggo...

Dad: No!
Nathan: Yeah!
Nathan: You know what? Stop it!

Ryan: ...
Me: Yeah, stop it dad. You're making him mad.
Me: See, this is why you scare every kid you meet -.-
It's true.
Dad: -points at Ryan- Who you?
Ryan: -points at dad- Who you?
Dad: Who you?
Ryan: Who you?
Me: Hey dad.

Dad: ?
Me: You're (insert Lillie's real name here so stalkers don't stalk her as well :| )
Dad: Huh?
Me: -scoffs him off and continues fighting in the game-
Dad: -points at Nathan- Who you?
Nathan: UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! STOP!!!!!!!Me: Yeah dad, stop -_-

Lillie: xD He's about to crack your head open with the Wii remote.
Nathan: -makes angry noise and hits dad with the Wii nunchuk-
I shouldn't have told him that that thing was called a nunchuk and that ninjas use nunchuks.
Ryan, Lillie, and I laughed for a while. But then Mom broke the mood.
Mom: No Nathan. :| Don't do that.
Dad: Uh oh! Uh oh!
Nathan: STOP OKAY?
Dad: Okay jeez. -walks over to kitchen table to get iPad and walks to room to watch his Vietnamese dramas-
That's not all though. Even though Dad's gone...
Umm.. Yeah... grandma came over. It wasn't pretty either.
With my horrible Vietnamese skills this is what I could translate to English.
Grandma: Nathan! Time to go home!
Nathan: Wait after this.

Grandma: So Nathan wants to sleep over?
Nathan: No! Okay? -almost hits Grandma with Wii remote but holds back for some apparent reason-
Then Grandma tries to pull off one of her tricks. They always work... except for when Nathan's here. Here is basically his gaming house.

Grandma: Okay, so Ryan can come home and Nathan can sleep over.
I can hear Grandma whispering to Ryan to get up and go.
Nathan: Bye.
So Grandma and Mom laugh a bit.
Meaning it faied.
A bit later, they're still here.
So then Nathan's nanny and MOM have to come over.
Our nanny's really nice. She used to live with my family.
Nathan: Not again :|
Me: -opens door while Ryan's playing-

Me: -sees aunt and Aiden- HI AIDEN :D
Nathan: -looks outside- Mommy! I'm over here!
Although she doesn't pay attention...

Nathan: I'll go home now :D
Me: ..................

Grandma: Good boy.
My family's weird.
But I still love some of them. Some of them I just really hate xD

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Entry 6

I had a fever yesterday so I couldn't do anything... But now I'm all better~
Lillie is currently making the next chronicle.

According to blogger, I have 90 views. On a real blog, it's not much, but if this were a real diary... that's too much... and I have 3 stalkers which are my followers...
Strange... Maybe each of them viewed this 30 times? (shudder)
Well yesterday Pico updated the info... exciting...
I didn't enter because I didn't have anyone to enter with, but see... it's weird how much one contest can transform someone. It's Prom King and Queen 2012, and the 3rd pair of winners... just... changed too much. They go from this:

(Credit to
Their outfits are all gummy and token...

To this...

I don't understand. One contest can make a noob become this?
You know what? Pico should make contests that can benefit noobs and, it's only for people who have never gotten in contact with Ameba Gold. Ever. People can become this and be protected from bullies.
There should also be contests for people who don't spend a lot of money for gold or never have. I mean like, shouldn't the pico world be a lot more fair?
People are getting bullied just because they're poor and have no Ameba Gold.
In the future, I might send pico some suggestions about this case. I just need supporters.
It'd be nice if I could bring up a video for the Bubble Bouncers blog. It was from a Pico's URL, so I can't find it.
It was about a noob getting bullied and having no friends... it was pretty sad.
Well I don't have much to write. I just don't like the fact that my parents keep interrupting me when I'm eating dinner and trying to finally speak up. I'm really shy, quiet, and sensitive in public. But my parents interrupt me when I want to speak at the dinner table. It's annoying.
I should just sign off now.
Oh, by the way, school's ending next Tuesday for me~ I'm counting down the days with my friends.
Until then!

                                                                                   -Princess Emmi

Monday, June 4, 2012

Entry 5- Yay~

Okay, so now that my Social Studies project is all covered up, I got my chronicles to work on, and I might make a ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ wiki, but that's not confirmed.
I have three stalkers. Which are my followers. Which is quite creepy.
I remember having a vocabulary word. That word is:
So, reviewing everything:

  • ~Psych0tic Chronicles~
  • ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Wiki (maybe)
So yeah...
I didn't write much since I'm thinking about some stuff..
Somehow I went back to playing Runescape -.- It was lame when they changed it before but now, it's not that bad...
And I'm happy I finished this stupid project xD
Also, I might make my Pico looks and outfits timeline :3
But I'm definitely making that chronicle.