Monday, June 4, 2012

Entry 5- Yay~

Okay, so now that my Social Studies project is all covered up, I got my chronicles to work on, and I might make a ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ wiki, but that's not confirmed.
I have three stalkers. Which are my followers. Which is quite creepy.
I remember having a vocabulary word. That word is:
So, reviewing everything:

  • ~Psych0tic Chronicles~
  • ~Psych0tic Chronicles~ Wiki (maybe)
So yeah...
I didn't write much since I'm thinking about some stuff..
Somehow I went back to playing Runescape -.- It was lame when they changed it before but now, it's not that bad...
And I'm happy I finished this stupid project xD
Also, I might make my Pico looks and outfits timeline :3
But I'm definitely making that chronicle.

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Stalkers! Give your feedback here... I guess...